BSc-EE thesis

The Bachelor’s thesis (course codes 202001161 and 202001162 ) is the culmination of the Bachelor’s programme. A Bachelor’s thesis is carried out in the form of a 15 EC (420 hours) research project within a department. It is an opportunity to put the knowledge learned during the programme into practice. The Bachelor’s thesis is used to assess the student’s initiative and their ability to plan, report and present a project. The difficulty level of the thesis is described by the attainment targets of the programme and the modules followed up until that moment. Students work independently on a Bachelor’s thesis or Individual Assignment (IOO) under the guidance of a supervisor.


Below you can find more info regarding committee requirements, format thesis reports, submitting your thesis report, format presentation & questions, assessment and applying for the degree. 

Requirements for the EE BSc thesis committee

The official requirements are in article B6 of the EER BSc EE:

Examiners are appointed by the examination board of a faculty. For the purpose of the BSc thesis, the examiner list of EE is available for UT employees. Since the file is regularly updated, it's located on Sharepoint. Don't have access to the file yet? You can easily request access via the mentioned link (this is a one-time action). After approval from Alida van der Pluym, henceforth you’ll have access.

Format BSc thesis report

Student & supervisor together choose between the following formats:

Submitting BSc thesis report

Please email your finished thesis to the members of your committee. After getting a sufficient degree, you must upload your thesis in (double-check confidentiality with your supervisor). For more information, see this link: After you have uploaded your thesis, your supervisors and BOZ receive an automatically generated e-mail. Your thesis will be available on UT student Theses in three working days and will be linked to your file in the UT archive.

Format presentation & questions

In Q4 there is a joint end conference day organized where the EE Bachelor students will present their thesis. This is normally held on the last Friday of the module. Details about this day are here.

When you are doing your thesis outside of Q4, the student is supposed to pick time and place for the presentation with his committee himself.


After your presentation and questions, the committee will give you three grades for:

In order to pass the module, you must have sufficient grades (≥5.5) for all three parts. BOZ supplies filled-in assessment forms to all committees, personalized for every student, as soon as Mobility Online has been completed sufficiently. Below you can also download the assessment form including the criteria.

Follow-up: getting your diploma

In order to get a BSc diploma, students must apply for a Bachelor’s degree with the Office of Educational Affairs (BOZ). Students can apply all year round. In order to receive your BSc diploma you will need to submit the BSc diploma form to

The Office of Educational Affairs will assess whether all the conditions for obtaining the degree have been met. A collective EEMCS Bachelor's graduation ceremony will take place on 18 & 19 October 2024. Further information on this will follow in due time. 

Coordination contact details

The module runs all year and is coordinated by Floris Zwanenburg and Module Support EE. You can reach us via