HomeKick-off Event


Kick-off Event: Building bridges, cross-border resource pooling and strengthening healthcare

Recap of the event

On 11 April, the kick-off event of the BRIDGE project aimed at cross-border cooperation in healthcare in the Euregio took place. The event brought together healthcare professionals, researchers and policymakers from both the Netherlands and Germany to discuss solutions to the challenges of limited resources in border areas. The Euroregion faces capacity problems, staff shortages, and medicine scarcity, despite high healthcare spending and a large number of doctors in both countries.

First to speak was Margriet Dekkers MA, coordinator of international strategic partnerships for the University of Münster and University of Twente. She stressed the importance of cross-border cooperation in the Euroregion. This was followed by a video recording in which Prof Dr Alex Friedrich (UKM Münster) spoke about the need for high-quality care despite limited resources. A 360-degree view should be adopted in which Germany and the Netherlands should cooperate more and more emphatically. Afterwards, Dr Caroline Fischer, BRIDGE project leader (University of Twente), gave a detailed introduction to the BRIDGE project. In this, she underlined the earlier words of Margriet Dekkers and Alex Friedrich. Using examples, she explained the essence and necessity of further cooperation and how BRIDGE can be used as a tool.

During the second part of the programme, participants engaged in smaller groups during the workshop: Dashboard for Resource Pooling. With the ultimate aim of gaining broad insights in order to create a good dashboard that can serve for the elaboration of a platform to optimise resource pooling. Here, best practices and intuitive information presentation were discussed. The event concluded with the official launch of the BRIDGE project, followed by a networking reception.


The programme

15.00 - 15.10

Welcome and the essence of working together in the Euregio
Margriet Dekkers MA, International strategic partnership coordinator for University of Münster (wwu), Germany - University of Twente

15.10 - 15.20

The urgency and challenges of delivering high-quality care with resource constraints 
Prof.dr. Alex Friedrich, CMO & CEO - UKM Münster | video

15.20 - 15.40

Introduction about the BRIDGE project and Q&A
Dr. Caroline Fischer, Project lead BRIDGE - University of Twente

15.40 - 16.40

Workshop: Dashboard to pool resources
The power of the dashboard lies in its ability to contain and distil diverse information types so that users can have a broad overview of a situation in real-time. To be effective, dashboards must contain the needed information, and the information must be provided in a way that feels intuitive. Considering do's, don'ts and best practices we will work together to design a powerful dashboard for resource pooling in our health region. 

16.40 - 16.50

Wrapping up the programme

16.50 - 17.00

Launching the Bridge project

17.00 - 17.30

Informal drinks


This event is an initiative by the partners of the BRIDGE project. 



Project BRIDGE is carried out within the framework of the InterregVI program Germany-Netherlands and is co-financed with EUR 1,497,345.91 by the European Union, MWIKE NRW, as well as the provinces of Overijssel and Gelderland.

Project BRIDGE wordt uitgevoerd in het kader van het InterregVI-programma Deutschland-Nederland en wordt met EUR 1.497.345,91 euro medegefinancierd door de Europese Unie, MWIKE NRW, alsmede de provincies Overijssel en Gelderland.

DasProjektBRIDGE wirdimRahmendes InterregVI-ProgrammsDeutschland-Nederland umgesetztund von der EuropäischenUnion, MWIKE NRW sowieden ProvinzenOverijssel und Gelderland mit1.497.345,91 Euro kofinanziert.