UTFacultiesBMSCompassionate Technology ProjectNews blogWebinar: "Compassievolle technologie kun je leren"

Webinar: "Compassievolle technologie kun je leren"

It is not surprising that many Psychology students don't immediately think about technology when they imagine their possible future job. However, in a changing workfield, it can be of added value to experience how technology can support treatment in various ways, now and in the future. In the Compassionate Technology course, we invite Master Psychology students to approach technology from the perspective of compassion. When and how can technology contribute to this? On October 13th 2022, Charlotte van Lotringen gave a webinar (in Dutch) for Thubble on the Compassionate Technology course and the rationale behind it. Here you can watch it back. 

Previously, Matthijs Noordzij gave a webinar from Thubble about our project (in Dutch). You can watch it back here!