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Symposium Compassion, Health and Technology Recap

On 31 August, the symposium Compassion, Health and Technology was held at the University of Twente. Several speakers talked about the relationship between compassion and technology. Professor James Kirby shared several recent insights around compassion focused therapy (CFT). The recordings of the presentations may be of interest to people who want to hear more about compassion focused therapy or use technology-based CFT tools in their treatment and can be found under: https://www.compassionatemind.co.uk/resource/audio.

Several audio files explain different elements of CFT. James Kirby also shared this (simple) website: https://threecircles.app/demo. The three circles is a core concept from CFT and refers to the threat (red), drive (blue) and calm (green) systems in emotion regulation. Here, people can indicate how big each of these circles feels to them at a given moment, which makes it easier to reflect on them during therapy.