UTFacultiesBMSEducationBMS Quality AssuranceQuality Agreements 2019-2024Impression of themes on which WSV funds are spent

Impression of themes on which WSV funds are spent

  • Career preparation

    Within Career preparation at Faculty BMS, an internship coordinator has been appointed. The task of the internship coordinator can be summarized as: Offering coordinating support with regards to proceedings accommodating internships or graduation assignments at companies. To be more concrete, the support will focus on:

    • Pro-active support and guidance with regards to internship contracts
    • To support and enhance the usage of Mobility Online
    • Offering support regarding practical matters for students, gathered in an internship portal
    • Extra attention for international students
    • Strengthening ties with BMS alumni (for several reasons, but also to find interesting internship opportunities for both students and alumni)

    Through this support, the goal is to lower any possible thresholds so that even more students want to take on an internship or a graduation assignment at a company. Also, programme and teaching staff can be eased of workload in the internship process that is merely administrative or procedural of nature, enabling them to focus more on student guidance.

    For question or comments you are most welcome to send an e-mail to internshipcoordinator-bms@utwente.nl.


    With kind regards, Leonie ten Have

  • BMS Teaching Academy

    More information about the purpose and the initiatives of the BMS Teaching Academy can be found here.

  • Support internationalization

    Thanks to WSV funds, even more initiatives in the field of internationalization can be realized. A substantial amount goes towards supporting exchange, more information about that can be found here.

  • BMS lab

    The BMS lab helps and supports research with:

    -Creating the right research design
    -The optimal use of its equipment and facilities
    -Development support
    -Finding the right space and equipment
    -Acquiring funding and writing research proposals
    -Technical aspects of research and design
    -Data storage, management and security
    -Tech support for research at the lab

    See here for more information about (the developments of) the BMS lab.

    Specifically, the BMS lab has devoted WSV funds to the (further) development of a serious game in the field of sustainable entrepreneurship. Here, students learn responsible entrepreneurship through an online simulation.
    WSV money has also been invested in the mobile measuring center/lab; the ExperiVan

  • WSV Innovation projects

    Every calendar year, up to and including 2024, a budget is released from the Wet Studievoorschotmiddelen (WSV). A part of that money is reserved for innovation projects, initiated by teachers and programme directors of BMS. Input from and co-creation with students is very much appreciated. The innovation projects are facilitated by the BMS Teaching Academy.

    The examples of innovation projects given in the infographic are

    • Skills toolbox
    • Optimal feedback to students
    • Enhanced learning by digitalization
    • Optimal groupwork
    • Challenge based learning minor
    • Internships
    • Serious game for minor
    • Exchange & double degrees

    These innovation projects have all been completed. Further information and results of these and other finished projects can be found here. For an overview of and information about currently running innovation projects, click here.

  • Support participation

    An online platform is being developed on Canvas to serve all participation bodies within BMS, both the Faculty Council and the Programme Committees. Community building is an important goal, but first the focus is on flexible onboarding. Because new participation members do not only start at the beginning of the academic year, it will soon be possible to acquire basic knowledge about the role and tasks of participation online via knowledge clips.
    The aim is to make this possible for academic year 2022-2023.

  • Learning facilities

    Extra power sockets have been established in study areas in Ravelijn. We are also working on realizing extra screens in workspaces for students and cubicles for students to work quietly or hold online meetings.