Activities and Courses

Get in touch with the Student Advisers Well-being!

Activities & Courses

Emotional Support Dog

Since March 2024 the faculty of BMS had a certified therapy dog available for students who want to reduce stress. Among others, the use of therapy dogs has been shown to improve social contact, provice a feeling of safety and unconditional love, and can cause an increase in oxytocine (happiness hormone) and decrease stress. 

Therefore we offer students the opportunity to plan an appointment with our emotional support dog Hoppus on Thursdays. Before the appointment please study the following flyer carefully:

Please read this information carefully before your appointment with Hoppus.

Plan your appointment with Hoppus
Plan an appointment
You can make both a cuddling appointment (max. 10 minutes) or a walking appointment (45 minutes). Since we take Hoppus' well-being very serious, appointments can be cancelled or cut short when he is stressed, tired or overwhelmed.

Thesis Support Group

Struggling with writing your thesis or are you stuck with your thesis project? If yes, the thesis support group might be right for you. For Bachelor and Master students in their graduation phase, the BMS student advisers well-being are hosting a thesis support group. The group consists of weekly sessions. 

The goal is to support with the thesis process to help prevent delay, exchange experiences and learn from fellow students, provide structure and tips useful for working on your thesis.  

Content of the group meetings  
An important part and fixed agenda item are the progress and planning of your thesis. Each week you are asked how the planning of the previous week has worked out and make a planning for the coming week. Difficulties in planning or execution receive attention.  

In addition, every week we discuss and exchange experiences about a different theme that you can encounter while writing you thesis. Themes for example include structuring your introduction, searching for literature, writing a theoretical framework, interacting with advisors et cetera.    

Important to know 
Before you can participate in the group, you’ll have an initial intake appointment with one of the well-being student advisers. In addition, you are asked to participate in the meetings regularly and actively. 

The group meets weekly on Mondays, 11:00 – 12:00 

Sign up 
If you are interested in participating in the thesis support group, you can sign up here. Once you’ve signed up, you’ll receive an invitation for the intake. 

Sign up for the thesis support group.
sign up now!
If you are interested in participating in the thesis support group, you can sign up here. 

Thesis Support Group for Bachelor Students PSY 

Your programme and the student advisers well-being from BMS offer a thesis support group for all bachelor students Psychology that are working on their thesis. The group is supervised by the student advisers well-being.  

The goal is to support with the thesis process to help prevent delay, learn from peers, and give structure and tips useful for working on your thesis.  

Content of the group meetings  
An important part and fixed agenda item during the meetings are the progress and planning of your thesis. Each week you are asked to make a realistic planning for the coming week and tell how the planning of the previous time has worked out. Difficulties in planning or execution receive attention. In addition, every week we discuss and exchange experiences about a different theme that you can encounter while writing you thesis. Themes for example include structuring your introduction, searching for literature, writing a theoretical framework, et cetera.  

Important to know 
It is necessary that you actively participate in the meetings (e.g., in the form of sharing experiences).  

The group meets once a week on Tuesday from 11.30 until 12.30 and meetings run parallel with your thesis trajectory.

Sign up for the thesis support group for BA Psychology students
sign up now!
If you are interested in participating in the thesis support group PSY, you can sign up here. 

For more information or questions regarding the thesis support group PSY, please send an e-mail to or schedule an appointment with the student adviser well-being via  

Workshop Active Learning

The art of effective study methods
You read and read, but the material just doesn't seem to stick. Or you remember all information... but how do you apply it? In this workshop we will go over a variety of active learning strategies, that help to study more effectively and into depth. You are guided in taking more ownership of your learning.

Important to know 
It is necessary that you actively participate in the workshop and that you show up when you enroll.

Times will be determined when at least 4 students have signed up. 

Sign up 
If you are interested in participating in the workshop active learning, you can sign up below.

Signup for the workshop active learning.
Sign up here!
If you are interested in participating in the workshop procrastination, you can sign up here. When you sign up, you are expected to actively participate in the workshop. 

Workshop Procrastination

For all students of BMS that could use tips and advise to tackle procrastination.  

The pressure of university can create mental blocks that keep you from studying or performing like you normally could. In this workshop you will learn about strategies to reduce and cope with these mental blocks. The goal is to provide you with tools to prevent procrastinating important tasks, to help prevent delay, learn from peers, and give structure and tips useful for both study related activities and in daily live.   

Important to know 
It is necessary that you actively participate in the workshop and that you show up when you enroll.

Times will be determined when at least 4 students have signed up. 

Sign up 
If you are interested in participating in the workshop procrastination, you can sign up below. 

Sign up for the workshop procrastination.
sign up now!
If you are interested in participating in the workshop procrastination, you can sign up here. When you sign up, you are expected to actively participate in the workshop. 

International Student Outreach Support Group

The International Student Outreach Support Group is a weekly informal meeting for all international students who are new to the Netherlands and are looking for a place to vent, meet other international students, share and learn from each other's experiences.   

Many international students face difficulties in finding their way when studying abroad: Before coming to the Netherlands you were probably full of ideas, curious about everything, and couldn't wait to start this big adventure. After a while you might experience that people aren't always easy to connect with, to talk to (outside of classes) or cultural differences might be difficult to deal with. Friends and family back home are far away, and you don't want to worry them too much by talking about your struggles. It can be helpful to connect to other international students in an informal setting: You are not alone!

We ask you to commit for at least 5 weeks.

Monday afternoon from 16.00 - 17.00 hrs.

Maximum: 15 students.

Participation is free of charge


If you are interested in participating in the International Student Outreach Support Group, you can signup below. You'll receive an email for an intake appoinment. 

Signup for the International Student Outreach Support Group
Sign up here!

Relaxing with Dogs

Do you want to get rid of the stress of the exam period? In cooperation with other faculties, BMS is hosting a relaxing with dogs event every exam period, in which you will engage in activities with the dogs that are especially designed for students. 

The next Relaxing with Dogs is not scheduled yet. Check our instagram of this website, we hope to publish a new date after the summer holiday.

This event is in cooperation with

Student TED Talks

Do you want to feel inspired and learn from other students on topics like self-development or well-being? Do you want to share your own ideas and experiences and connect with other like-minded students?

Then the new Student TED Talks are made for you!

There will be three workshops on creating deeper connections, communicating and becoming aware of your needs and giving yourself the love you deserve. The workshops will be held on the following dates:

We will have a 15-30 minute TED Talk and then an activity to integrate what we have learned to get the most out of the workshop. The best of both worlds you could say.

You can join as many Student TED Talks as you like, because the world is your oyster, and you are the pearl.

If you are excited to join these FREE workshops, you can sign up below.

Sign up for Student TED Talks
Sign Up Here!


Have you ever tried running through nature? 

The skillful people of put together a program especially for the UT. Join the Start2Trail program and explore what trailrunning can do for your body and mind! 

Whether you want to be able to run 10k? Or maybe a half marathon? Even if you just want to be fitter and healthier, or want to spend more time outside...
This program will help you reach your personal goals, whatever they may be!  

The Start2Trail program (6 months, low intensity):

  • 3-5 training sessions where the basics of trailrunning will be explained and practiced. 
  • A platform which gives you insight in your progression and the progression of the group
  • On 2 November you can participate in a distance of your choosing during the Zandenbos Trail. During the event you will get a Trailrunning Racecup, a Trailrunning Buff and the event medal.

Walking Meditation

All students who could use a boost in relaxation and focus during their lunchbreak are welcome to join our walking meditation.

Walking is such a habituated action for us that we usually do it on autopilot. Once we go out and about, our thoughts tend to wander as well — caught up in planning, to-do lists, worrying and so on... Meditating while walking is a way to get the mind to walk with us and to bring a relaxed focus to this everyday pursuit.

Unlike traditional seated meditation, which involves stillness, walking meditation encourages us to engage with the act of walking itself, turning each step into an opportunity for mindfulness, i.e. being present in the here and now. Walking meditation encourages us as well to engage our senses fully. This includes being aware of the sights, sounds, and smells around us. 

The benefits of walking meditation include stress reduction, improved focus, heightened awareness, and a greater sense of presence. Even a short mindful walk during a break can provide a mental reset and enhance overall well-being.

When: Tuesdays, 12:45 - 13:15

Where: O&O-square (in front of Starbucks)

Who: All students are welcome!

If you’re interested in experiencing the positive effects of meditating while walking, you can sign up below.

Sign up for the walking meditation.
Sign up here!

Walking & Talking

Would you like to get some physical activity during your break? Student well-being employees from multiple faculties are organizing weekly walks in the context of student well-being. This way you can create a weekly healthy habit that helps you to move, and enjoy nature.  

The student well-being employees will be there every week to answer any questions you might have. Or maybe you just want to talk... Or maybe you just want to walk... You are always welcome! Most weeks Hoppus, the emotional support dog at BMS, will walk with us.

Walking & Talking during the summer

Mirjam and Hoppus will be on holiday from July 22 until August 11.

When: Every Thursday, 12:45 - 13:15h
Where: Starting at the O&O-square (in front of the Starbucks). We will walk in the Ledeboerpark or nature on and around campus.
Who: All students are welcome!

Sign up is not necessary.