UTFacultiesBMSEventsLiving Smart Campus Creathon

Living Smart Campus Creathon

Calling brilliant minds, creative thinkers and innovative entrepreneurs. During the LSC Creathon, we would like to develop ground-breaking ideas with you. Ideas that we can put to a real-world test, in our living lab for digital transformation on the UT campus. Note: only open to UT students, UT staff and companies. 

Living smart campus

Using the campus of University of Twente as a living lab for digital transformation

There currently is a big problem in our society: Technology is evolving faster than laws and regulations can keep up with. This means that researchers and innovators are limited as to what they can physically test in a real-world environment - they are left to hypothesizing how their idea will affect society. We aim to solve this problem by utilizing the campus of the University of Twente as a living lab for digital transformation. This is Living Smart Campus.

The Living Smart Campus program aims to enable a rapid prototyping and testing environment by facilitating a collaboration between companies, researchers and students. By creating a powerful link between these parties and offering the University of Twente campus as a testing ground for projects, we hope to create tomorrow's technologies without being limited by today's regulations.

  • Why a Creathon?

    A creathon is an event where different teams create a working concept for a challenge within a short amount of time. In the LSC Creathon, different tools will be provided in a unique team-sourcing method: The Science2Design4Society methodology of DesignLab, data analysis and rapid prototyping.

    • 08:30: Coffee & tea
    • 09:00: Opening ceremony
    • 09:45: Ice breaker
    • 10:00: Creathon start - Deliverable 1-3
    • 12:30: Lunch buffet & mini workshops
    • 13:30: Deliverable 4-5
    • 17:00: Pitch moment
    • 17:45: Closing ceremony: Grande Finale
    • 18:00: Dinner in the city

challenge of the lsc creathon

The success of Living Smart Campus relies on close collaboration between companies, researchers and students. At its base is a willingness to work together, and to break free from traditional thinking patterns in order to solve problems for society. That is why we would like to involve you in in our LSC Creathon now.

The challenge of the LSC Creathon is to deliver a project proposal that can be part of the Living Smart Campus Program.

All projects at Living Smart Campus touch upon the topic 'Internet of Things'. Since this has broad applications, this specific creathon will focus on:

  • Digital Society: Industry, Innovation, Infrastructure (SDG 9), or
  • Resilience: Sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11), or
  • Health Technology: Good health and well-being (SDG 3)

Projects of Living Smart Campus should further adhere to the following standards: 

What's in it for you?

  • All inclusive, fast-paced 1-day creathon (food, drinks & goodies awaiting you)
  • Interesting and helpful mini workshops by experts
  • Expand your network: meet and ideate with students, professors and professionals from different disciplines
  • Add value to your CV (you will receive a certificate)
  • A chance to win a trip to present your idea in a professional environment 
  • Is your idea novel and feasible? You will be able to continue and implement it as a Living Smart Campus project.

Apply here

Registration is open only to staff and students of University of Twente and companies.

Participating in the LSC Creathon is free. We can however only grant a select number of participants definite access. You are welcome to apply below - the deadline for applicaton is 20 April 2018. On Saturday morning 21 April at the latest, the LSC Creathon team will let you know whether you are selected. 


Registration for UT Students.
Apply here


Registration for UT Staff + External Professionals.
Apply here

partners of the LSC Creathon



More info about the LSC Creathon/Living Smart Campus
