Public nature of thesis

Legal framework


As the thesis is part of the programme of the student and as a consequence should be public, the examination board only deviates from the public nature of the thesis in rare cases.

Only if the whole thesis has to be confidential, the board has to give permission. In principle, confidentiality is given for a maximum period of two years. If a longer period is required, the period and its justification should be clearly stated in the motivation letter.

In case the request is granted, the student has to:

In the following cases the supervisor can decide on confidentiality and the examination board's permission is not required:

  1. If part of the thesis is confidential: this part can be added as a confidential annex; the whole thesis and confidential annex must both be registered in the repository.
  2. If the thesis can be anonymized; the whole thesis and anonymized thesis must both be registered in the repository.

Other conditions in both cases:

Mandatory documents:

* mandatory data in your letter: