
12 December 2023
-Digitally Sovereign Business Models (by Siraj Anand)
-The Heterogeneous Fleet Risk-Constrained Vehicle Routing Problem in Humanitarian Logistics (by Robert van Steenbegen)

21 November 2023
-Multi-modal Casualty Transportation in a Mass Casualty Incident (by Florentina Hager)
-Spell – Supporting Emergency Services With OR- And AIbased Approaches (by Melanie Reuter-Oppermann)

 17 October 2023
- Knowledge Distillation with Error-correcting Transfer Learning for Wind Power Prediction (by Hao Chen)
- Evaluating Tactical Blueprints for Operating Room Planning (by Sebatian Rachuba)

19 September 2023,
- Optimization of Urban Multi-project Infrastructure Renovation Scheduling (by Robbert Bosch)
- Measuring Security in Cloud Outsourcing (by Yasir Haq)

20 June 2023
- What do you mean by autonomy? (by Renata Guizzardi)
- A Non-parametric Model for Constrained Assortment Optimization (by Davide Merolla)

16 May 2023
- Online Learning for an Energy Storage Management Problem (by Stephan Meisel)
- Circular (De-)Construction Matchmaking (by Yifei Yu)

18 April 2023
- Applying learning- and optimization-based methods in automated warehousing systems (by Lin Xie)
- Industry 4.0 evolution and implementation (by Sharma Mahak)

23 March 2023
- Navigating the proliferation of smart technology in the workplace (by Simon Schafheitle)

21 February 2023
- Cyber Security: Why is it OUR problem? (by Abhishta Abhishta and Jan-Willem Bullee
- How Data-Driven Leadership and Culture Influence Employee Thriving? (by Pauline Weritz)

20 December 2022
- Establishment of Online Sustainable and Resilient Circular Economy Transition Laboratory: SRC-Lab (by Dr. Devrim Yazan)

7 December 2022
- ICT Adoption for Sustainable and Resilient Rural Development (by Dr. Yudha Prambudia)
- Inter-organizational Governance for Information-Systembased Collaboration case studies in supply chains (by Dissa Chandra)

8 November 2022
- Lessons Learned from an Experience on Sustainable Regional Development in a Brazilian State (by Latussa Monteiro)

18 October 2022
- Dynamic Fleet Management for Autonomous Vehicles: Learning- and optimization-based strategies (by Breno Alves Beirigo)
- The Servitization in Automotive: Exploring the Antecedents of Selling Mobility Services at a Large German Automotive Firm (by Joschka Hüllmann)

21 June 2022
- Applications of topic modelling algorithms in hybrid machine learning frameworks to forecast customer value in the financial industry (by Marcos Machado)
- A generic optimization model for operational planning and bidding of production units and evaluation of flexibility in district heating systems (by Daniela Guericke)

17 May 2022
- PHD Introductory talk: smart circular construction ecosystems (by Yifei Yu)
- Unidirectional hospital layout design as an ideal candidate (by Shiva Faeghi)

19 April 2022
- Well-being in (post) Covid times (by Jan de Leede)
- The fine line between life and death: Strategic location of automated external defibrillators (by Derya Demirtas)

29 March 2022
- Requirements engineering for ethical systems: an ontology-based approach (by Renata Guizzardi Silva Souza)
- A multiperiod drayage problem with customer-dependent service periods (by Ali Ghezelsoflu)

15 Februari 2022
- IOT-Enabled dynamic planning in smart logistics (by Martijn Koot)
- Meeting corporate renewable power targets (by Alessio Trivella)

14 December 2021
- (Deep) Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Routing Problems (by Fabian Akkerman)
- Introducing and collaborating with the BDSi (by Karel Kroeze, Anna Machens, and Abhishta Abhishta)

23 November 2021,
- Managing Electric Vehicle and Drone Battery Swap Stations Under Uncertainty (by Amin Asadi)
- The role of Composite Structural Equation Modelling and ArchiMate in improving social implications of an IT artefact (by Iqbal Mukti)

19 October 2021
- Educational feedback needs during the times of Covid pandemics (by Gayane Sedrakyan)
- Automated Legal Assessment of Standard Form Contracts (by Daniel Braun)

15 June 2021
- On the quality of ship arrival predictions and more (by Rogier Harmelink)
- Towards grading automation of open questions using machine learning: Design and implementation of a web-based tool” (by Adina Aldea)

11 May 2021
- Simulation and optimization of Smart Yards - (by Matteo Brunetti)
- Designing a 360 Degree Peer Feedback Process: A Multi-Stakeholder Approach (by Anna Bos-Nehles)

20 April 2021- Diversity, inclusion and AI: Meanings, motivations, and mechanisms (by Aizhan Tursunbayeva)
Who is Jan-Willem, and what is his research about? (by Jan-Willem Bullee)

23 March 2021:
- Are serious games too serious? Diffusion of wearable technologies and the creation of a diffusion of serious games model (by Ton Spil)
- The effect of operational features on drone-assisted delivery (by Giovanni Campuzano)

16 February 2021:
- Organizational Learning for Intelligence Amplification Adoption: Lessons from a clinical decision support system adoption project (by Fons Wijnhoven)
- Regulating economic power: what role for competition law? (by Victoria Daskalova)

20 January 2021:
- Inventory Management for industrial symbiosis: An agent-based simulation study (by Luca Fraccascia)
- Applying a Core Ontology on Decision Making (by Renata Guizzardi-Silva Souza)

16 December 2020:
- The case for ‘market stewardship’ – a new role for procurement (by Louise Knight)  
- Going the Extra Mile: The Effects of Paying the Living Wage in Supply Chains at Competitive Markets (by Patricia Rogetzer)

18 November 2020:
- Timing intermittent demands with time-varying order-up-to levels (by Dennis Prak)
- Forecasting demand profiles of new products (by Robert van Steenbergen)

3 March 2020:
- Simulation Of Real-time And Opportunistic Truck Platooning At The Port Of Rotterdam (by Berry Gerrits)
- Analyzing Emergent Behavior in Supply Chain Logistics (by Rob Bemthuis

12 February 2020:
- Deep Reinforcement Learning in High-Dimensional Linear Action Spaces (by Wouter van Heeswijk)
- Socially Responsible Design Science Research in Information Systems (by Mike Monson

14 January 2020:
- Automated and distributed Infrastructure maintenance architecture, ADIMA (by Fatjon Seraj)
- Simulation solution validation for an integrated emergency post (by Martijn Koot)

3 December 2019:
- Eco-Industrial Park design (by Claudio Castiglione)
- Defining, Designing, and Implementing Rural Smartness (by Iqbal Mukti)

12 November 2019
- Contemporary Engineering Management and Data Analytics (by Prof. Dr. Chin (Guestspeaker))

29 August 2019:
- Interconnectedness in Digital Trace Data Contexts

11 June 2019:
- Deep Vessel: A new Deep Neural Network for Vessel Arrival Time Prediction
- Autonomous Logistics Miners for Small- & Medium sized Businesses  

14 May 2019:
- The Data Platform of the Future - Large Base Registries of the Netherlands
- Dynamic clustering of maintenance activities with common and shared setups  

9 April 2019:
- SHAREBOX - Secure Management Platform for Shared Process Resources
- Design of a datafication framework

12 March 2019:
- Measuring the Economic Impact of DDoS Attacks
- Real-time ICT for Resilient Logistics Planning

12 February 2019:
- Optimal Cross-Training in Supply Systems for Repairable Spare Parts
- Industrial Symbiosis Recommenders