Giftedness & differentiation

SUPERVISORS: Tessa Eysink & Alieke van dijk 

Excellence depends to a large extent on the opportunities a student gets to develop its talent. When students are not provided with opportunities in the form of instructions that challenge them cognitively, there is a chance that problems, such as underachievement, arise. A lack of cognitive stimulation results in non-optimal learning performance on the short term. On the long term, children may not learn to learn and maximize their talents.

This is true for all students, but specifically applies to gifted students. In order to meet the cognitive needs of all students, teachers must differentiate and tailor their instructions. This theme investigates how students of different competence levels can be given tailored instructional support that meets their needs.

Example research questions within this theme:


Experiences of neurodivergent students with the Twents OnderwijsModel (TOM)

From planning to success: How do students manage their own learning process?