Faculty Days Premaster

Dear Educational Science and Technology students, 

Below you can find the programme of the Faculty Day for all premaster students of the programme Educational Science and Technology.
If you have any questions, please contact Yvonne Luyten-de Thouars (y.c.h.dethouars@utwente.nl).

We look forward to seeing you!


  • Tuesday 27 August 2024




    9.30 AM - 10.30 AM

    General introduction – Studying at the Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social sciences (BMS)*

    In this part of the programme you will receive important information about studying at our Faculty in general and you will learn more about the International Classroom.

    Building: Waaier
    Room: WA1

    11.00 AM - 0.00 PM

    Welcome + introduction to Pre-master EST
    by EST study adviser
    Specific information
    About the premaster and on studying EST at the UT
    Fill out personal study plan

    Building: Ravelijn
    Room: RA2502

    0.00 PM - 0.45 PM

    Connection mini workshops offered by Well-being team

    Building: Ravelijn
    Room: RA2502

    0.45 PM - 1.45 PM

    Lunch break
    Free standard vegetarian/vegan lunch is offered

    Building: Ravelijn
    Room: RA2502

    1.45 PM - 2.15 PM

    by Programme Committee and Komma

    Building: Ravelijn
    Room: RA2502

    2.15 PM - 2.30 PM

    Short break


    2.45 PM - 3.30 PM

    EST Pre-master student panel
    current students share their experiences and answer your questions

    Building: Ravelijn
    Room: RA2502

    3.30 PM - 4.30 PM

    Campus tour


    6.00 PM

    Dinner & drinks
    hosted by Komma – informal setup to get to know your fellow students better

    You’ll need to pay a contribution for the dinner. Read more in Komma’s dinner invitation

    Please sign up and buy you ticket for the dinner no later than 23 August!

    Restaurant Happy Italy in Enschede city centre

    If possible, bring your bicycle. Or you can take the bus to the city centre. Both travel options will be accompanied by Komma members.

    For this: gather at 17:15 at the Komma room in Ravelijn

    Helpdesk / Q&A: via WhatsApp group (“EST Master group”)

    * Note: Students who have already studied at the UT before, may be familiar with most of the information shared in the UT/BMS presentation at 9:30-10:30. Therefore they are not required to attend this session, and can choose to only attend the EST programme starting at 11:00.

  • Wednesday 28 August 2024




    1.00 PM - 6.00 PM

    Facility Market


    5.30 PM - End

    Follow-up programme non-curricular kick-in (see here)
