Schedule a consult

When to make an appointment

If you still need additional support after you followed our step-by-step guide, the methodology shop offers help via email and in the form of an online consult. A consult is often preferred over an email, as only small/general questions can be answered via email. Please schedule a consult at least 24 hours in advance (weekdays!).

A consult is by default online through MS Teams, you will receive a meeting invitation prior to the meeting.

Use this tool to schedule a consultMETHODOLOGYSHOP Planner (

FYI: The consultants can give advice on how and when to run a certain analysis, but will not carry out any analyses for you. 

For all kinds of other questions, including small/general questions about research methodology or statistics, please send an email (in English) to We will try to answer your email as soon as possible, but please note that it might take several days before you receive an answer.

Holiday schedule:
The methodology shop is closed during the summer. For urgent matter please reach out via email, we will try to come back to you as soon as possible. There will be new slots for consults available after September 1st.