UTFacultiesBMSNewsTwo NWO grants awarded to UT and Saxion for research on Learning Communities

Two NWO grants awarded to UT and Saxion for research on Learning Communities

Dutch Research Council NWO has awarded two grants of over one million euros to two research projects by the main applicant, Prof. Dr. Maaike Endedijk, in collaboration with Saxion University of Applied Sciences. The research project Power Up! is aimed at accelerating the energy and circularity transition through learning communities. The second grant focuses on using learning communities to contribute to major security issues.

Strengthening collaboration
The aim of learning communities is to integrate lifelong learning and innovation in inter-organizational collaborations to accelerate large societal and technological transitions. Many companies struggle with uncertainties about which course to take in these transitions. What should you invest in, and how can you anticipate future developments? How can organisations and their (future) employees be prepared? The complexity and speed of technological innovations mean that organisations cannot do this alone and seek collaboration with other organisations and knowledge institutes. Therefore, Learning communities (LCs) have emerged in the top sectors.

Power up!
To meet national climate goals, it is important to accelerate the transition to renewable energy and circularity. A future that revolves around sustainability requires smart long-term solutions to bring positive change at the ecosystem level. Organizations cannot do this alone. In "Power up!", an ambitious four-year project, industrial partners, knowledge and educational institutions, and governmental organisations join forces in 18 learning communities. Together, they strive for a shared vision and an effective roadmap to promote the transition to sustainable energy and circularity. The aim is to develop insights, methods, and tools to support these learning communities, enabling them to contribute more effectively to achieve our climate ambitions. This project builds on the successes of the "Gas erop!" project.

Learning & Innovating Ahead of the Threat (LIAT)
To remain a secure country, we need to proactively counter increased (cyber) security threats. To achieve this, we need effective collaborations between public organisations and knowledge institutions. So far, these learning communities are mostly focused on knowledge exchange and less on the actual development and implementation of innovative security solutions. In this project, we support design guidelines, strategies and methods and a support platform for setting up effective learning communities in the field of security.

Consortium Power up!
Main applicant: Prof. dr. M.D. Endedijk, Universiteit Twente
Co-applicants: Dr. S. Corporaal, Prof. dr. ir. L. Volker, Dr. W.D.B. Warbroek, Dr. L.A. Falcke, Dr. A. Overdiek, Dr. ir. R. van Leeuwen, Dr. S.M. Dennerlein, Dr. ir. F. Deken
Consortium: Universiteit Twente, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Hogeschool Rotterdam, Regionale Energiestrategie Twente, Cirkelstad Deventer-Apeldoorn, H2 Hub Twente, Stichting Sail Amsterdam, Circulair Zuid-Holland, WijTechniek, Pioneering, KIEMT Waterstofcluster, Learning Community Systeemintegratie Smart Energy Hubs Fieldlab Circulaire Innovaties in de Maakindustrie, Fieldlab Energy4Business, Learning Community AI Energietransitie gebouwde omgeving, Fieldlab Digitalisering EnergieTransitie Twente (FiDETT), Fieldlab Reduction of Damage to Utilities & Careful Excavation (ZoARG|ReDUCE), Bouwhub Rijssen, Techniek Nederland, Fieldlab Biogas, Techport, TechYourFuture

Consortium LIAT
Main applicant: Dr. S. Corporaal, Saxion Hogeschool, Scientific lead: Prof. dr. M.D. Endedijk,
Co-applicants: Dr. B.J. Kollöffel, Dr. A.M.G.M. Hoogeboom, Dr. ir. A.Y. Mersha, Dr. E. Sjoer, Dr. R. Spithoven, Dr. E.R. Leukfeldt, Dr. P. Preenen, J.C. Knotter Med.
Consortium: Saxion Hogeschool, Universiteit Twente, TNO, Politieacademie, De Haagse Hogeschool, Centrum voor Veiligheid & Digitalisering (CVD), Security Delta Campus (HSD), Space53, Gemeente Den Haag, Impact Coalition Safety & Security (ICSS),Koninklijke Landmacht, SAAB Defensie, Achmea, Nederlands Instituut Publieke Veiligheid (NIPV), TechYourFuture, Dutch Innovation Cluster, Brandweer Amsterdam-Amstelland, Politie Nederland, AI-Maps, Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten (VNG).

prof.dr. M.D. Endedijk (Maaike)
Adjunct Professor