UTFacultiesBMSNewsKlaasjan Visscher appointed as full professor

Klaasjan Visscher appointed as full professor

The Executive Board has appointed Klaasjan Visscher as full professor of Innovation in Higher Education and Society. The chair is part of the section Knowledge, Transformation and Society (KiTeS) at the faculty Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS).

Klaasjan Visscher has a background in Science and Technology Studies (STS) and in Organization Studies. As a passionate lecturer and researcher he has developed an exciting portfolio around transdisciplinary education, aiming to train students to cross disciplinary boundaries and tackle complex societal challenges.

In this new chair Klaasjan Visscher will study and foster the development of innovative forms of societally engaged education, in particular transdisciplinary education. He will also develop research on educational innovation practices and on embedding these innovations in organizations and society. Moreover, he will call for reflection on how higher education can contribute to a more sustainable and fair society.

Klaasjan Visscher, Full professor of Innovation in Higher Education and Society

This chair does not start from scratch. On the contrary, the organizational infrastructure and resources are there. KiTeS unites world-renowned expertise in STS, innovation studies and higher education, and DesignLab is a fantastic ecosystem hub for transdisciplinary research and education. I am looking forward to lead new research on educational innovation and transformation.

Klaasjan Visscher, Full professor of Innovation in Higher Education and Society

About Klaasjan Visscher

Klaasjan Visscher is head of the Knowledge, Transformation and Society (KiTeS) section and scientific director for educational innovation at DesignLab. As programme director of the Transdisciplinary Master-Insert ‘Shaping Responsible Futures’ he and his team received the Dutch Higher Education Award 2022. He is co-chair of the ComeniusNetwork, the national platform for innovators in education, and co-lead of the ‘Significant Questions in Higher Education’ project on transdisciplinary learning and societal transformations.