UTFacultiesBMSDept HIBPANewsDigital change in the public administration during the covid pandemic.

Digital change in the public administration during the covid pandemic.

Our colleague Dr. Caroline Fischer discussed the digital change in the public administration during the covid pandemic today. Prof. Dr. Tobias Brandt and Niklas Korte from the University of Münster published a study “Covid as a driver of innovation” and invited for a discussion with researchers and practitioners. The recorded discussion.

Thanks also to NEGZ and Behördenspiegel for organizing this event! 

Caroline made especially the relevance of a productive error culture clear that needs to embrace errors and learning from them instead of being too risk averse. If you want to read more about the difference between risk and error management in the public sector, have a look into this article Caroline recently published with Dr. Emily Tangsgaard from the University of Aarhus.