UTFacultiesBMSDept HIBPANewsDr. Caroline Fischer and dr. Carina Schott presented their work on ‘how professionals identities change during transformations' at the EGPA conference in Athens

Dr. Caroline Fischer and dr. Carina Schott presented their work on ‘how professionals identities change during transformations' at the EGPA conference in Athens

Dr. Caroline Fischer presented her work with dr. Carina Schott (University Utrecht) during this year’s EGPA conference in beautiful Athens. Both currently study how identity of professionals changes during transformations. They use the case of Dutch midwives to show how medical, technical and societal transformations threaten professional identities and how the midwives deal with that. This study relies on a cooperation with KNOV. The aim of this study is to analyze how to make midwives and in general professionals better able to cope with external changes to eventually stay in their profession, as turnover among midwives is currently a big challenge in the sector!