UTFacultiesBMSDept HIBPCRSNewsJoint summer school 2011

Joint summer school 2011

Joint Summer School, Twente, 24-26 August 2011

In continuation of last year’s summer school in Lancaster, a group of 9 researchers from the Investigative Expertise Unit from the University of Lancaster visited the UT campus for the second joint summer school, 24-26 August 2011.

PhD-students from both universities presented ongoing and upcoming research. Topics included investigative decision making, power and verbal style matching, deception management, non-verbal mimicry, and the impact of deployment on identity in military personnel. Besides the interesting and inspiring presentations and discussions, there was also room for a workshop personal branding. To conclude the first day there was a tour in de Grolsch Factory. The last day the staff and PhD students each held separate sessions. The staff discussed possibilities to team up and jointly apply for research funds, while the PhD students learned more about each other's projects, and discussed possibilities for collaboration on future projects.

Working on an assignment for the workshop personal branding

During the ‘product confrontation’ in de Grolsch Factory

  A group photo