Women in Data Science Week 2024

Hi there!

We love that you're signing up for the BDSi x WiDS Data Science Week 2024. The Data Science Week is a guided tour through a Data Science Challenge. The challenge theme will be Equity in Healthcare. WiDS will provide BDSi a real-world oncology dataset, while BDSi will provide tailored workshops and practicals to support participants of all levels of experience. The workshops focus on the skills you'll need to excel in the datathon, and form the basis of a modern data science workflow. Each Workshop consists of a one hour lecture and two hours hands-on practical application. 

The spring 2024 women in data science week is independently organized by BDSi and our partners to be part of Women in Data Science Worldwide’s (WiDS) mission to increase participation of women in data science and to feature outstanding women doing outstanding work. The datathon will use a curated dataset provided by WiDS, and women in data science will be in focus during the entire week.

Before we start, we also need to discuss data and privacy. 

We collect name and email address(ess) from you (and your team members). This data is exclusively used to send you information pertaining to the Data Science week. We won't share this data with anyone else, or use it for any other purposes.

If you'd like to stay in touch, you can sign up to our newsletter, or send us a message - you know where to find us.

Signup form


The number, content, and schedule of the workshops is not yet final. Feel free to sign up for one of more workshops and we'll let you know once more information is available for that or related workshop(s). 

about you

If you participate in the datathon on kaggle.com, BDSi and WiDS will use your username to construct global, regional, and local leaderboards and award prizes to the teams with the best solutions. 

If you don't have an account yet, consider creating one. You can also give us your kaggle.com username later, or join the datathon without participating on the leaderboards.

Your team

Teams are allowed to have up to four members, which half required to be women. Once your team is registered cannot be separated. 

There are 3 steps you need to follow to register your team

1. Fill in this form

2. Register with the main WiDS Datathon

3. Register on Kaggle, under WiDS Datathon 2023 Kaggle pages. You must register in the following format: Regional Event Name_Team Name



Please inform your team members they will have sign themselves up, and let them know what team name to use.

Team member #2

Team member #3

Team member #4