UTFacultiesBMSResearchBehavioural Data Science incubatorWorkshop Shiny for education and valorization

Introduction to Shiny R applications for education and valorization

Interactive visualizations in R with Shiny

A picture says more than a thousand words. But can you have a conversation with a picture? With R and Shiny, you can!

BDSi is organizing a workshop on creating interactive visualizations with R and Shiny. In one afternoon, we'll quickly introduce the basic concepts, and build an interactive visualization together. You can bring your own data, or work on an example provided by BDSi. At the end of the day, you will be able to create and share interactive visualizations to communicate your research, or help explain complex topics to your students.

Location: on campus (TBA)
Date: October 3rd
Time: 13:00 - 17:00

Register now!

Before you answer the following short questions, we need to discuss data and privacy. 

We ask for your email address, position, motivations, and some information on your level of experience. We will use the People API to gather more information the faculty and department you work at. This data is used to prepare suitable materials and support for the workshop, and keep you informed on any updates for the workshop. We also keep a record of who is attending our events, so that we can keep convincing the BMS faculty board BDSi is worth funding in years to come.  We won't share or sell this data with (or to) anyone else, or use it for any other purposes.

If necessary, the event may be hybrid, and recorded as part of a teams meeting. These recordings will be shared with participants within the University of Twente, but not on external channels. You will be informed and asked for consent if and when any recording starts. We may also ask your permission during the event to make some photos, to be shared on our website and/or UT news channels.

If you'd like to stay in touch, you can sign up to our newsletter, or send us a message - you know where to find us.

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