UTFacultiesBMSResearchBMS Research SupportNews (research related)DCC monthly thematic session on: ‘Open access opportunities for research(ers)’

DCC monthly thematic session on: ‘Open access opportunities for research(ers)’ 30-11-2021

The DCC thematic session of this month is unfortunately not taking place due to unexpected circumstances. Our apologies for any kind of inconvenience.

On Tuesday, November 30th, from 16:00-17:00, the next DCC thematic session will take place. The theme of this month is dedicated to open access and open science communities and the thematic session is titled “Open Access Opportunities for Research(ers)”.

DCC is a network translating the need of researchers into innovative ICT and RDM support services. For more information about this topic, visit our website.


According to UNESCO's recommendation draft, the term ''Open Science'' is an umbrella concept for several practices that aim at making scientific knowledge publicly available to everyone. Researchers can increase the transparency, verifiability, and reusability of their research work by sharing the collected data as well as the applied methods.

Open access is a broad international movement that seeks to grant free and open online access to academic information, such as publications and data. A publication is defined 'open access' when there are no financial, legal, or technical barriers to accessing it - that is to say when anyone can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search for and search within the information, or use it in education or in any other way within the legal agreements. Open access is a publishing model for scholarly communication that makes research information available to readers at no cost, as opposed to the traditional subscription model in which readers have access to scholarly information by paying a subscription (usually via libraries).

As a UT author, you can publish open access at a 100% discount in more than 10.000 high-quality journals, and easily open up your closed publications. This increases the visibility, downloads, citations, and impact of your publications. The University of Twente is in strong favor of open access to the results of its research. By 2023, publishing open access must be the norm for all UT authors.

For future publications, please check out the UT Journal Browser. It lets you search for terms in journal-title and scope, and select journals based on costs for open-access publishing.

Open Science Community Twente is an inter-disciplinary, bottom-up community to promote, learn, share, and discuss Open Science (OS) practices, such as

  • Open Access publishing and Preprints
  • Open Data, Open Code, and Open Source Software
  • Preregistration of scientific studies
  • Reproducibility and Replicability
  • Open Peer Review
  • Rewards and incentives
  • Citizen science
  • Open Education
  • Diversity of knowledge
  • OS infrastructures

If you are interested in learning more about the practical support on open access that UT provides and getting familiar with the open science communities then this thematic session is for you!

The program of this session is as follows:




Nicole Loorbach & Zafer Öztürk (moderator): An interactive session on Open Access with a poll questions and answering them/providing information (Nicole Loorbach)


Nicole Loorbach will talk about practical support regarding Open Access provided by UT


Discussion, Q&A


Markus Konkol from OSCT will talk about Open Science Communities


Discussion, Q&A, closing

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We hope to see all of you on the 30th! 

Best regards,
On behalf of the DCC team,
Marjolein Drent and Wilma Meere