Knowledge Safety & Export Control at UT Knowledge Safety: taking care of what we share

UT is a research university that stimulates international co-operation on every level. This offers many opportunities, but also involves risks. To which purpose will the knowledge that we share with our international partners be used? Can you simply share your knowledge or are you required to have an export license? How can you receive international visitors from high-risk countries? What should you bear in mind when visiting an affiliated university outside the EU? Can you co-operate with a partner from a country that is on the international sanctions list?

Within the UT community, we want to handle the opportunities and risks of international co-operation as prudently as possible. The most important principle is that our education and research remain as open as possible. In order to support everyone within the UT community, a policy on knowledge safety and export control has been developed. Based on this, tools and information have been made available at the UT Service Portal

The Knowledge Safety Team (KST) has been set up to support everyone within UT in dealing with issues concerning knowledge safety and export control. If you have a question or a specific case that you wish to discuss, please feel free to contact the members of the KST via

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