Veni Support Programme Start to prepare your Veni!

The support programme of SBD-Grants Office will help you and your application over 12 months with several sessions covering CV, Impact and Research proposal. The kick-off of the support programme is an online introduction session about the Veni grant on 12 May. This introduction session is for everyone who is interested to know more about the instrument. In this session, participants will receive strategic and practical input for developing a competitive Veni project and highlights the Veni pre-proposal. Examples, tips & tricks and best practices will be presented. 

The Veni grant is an instrument of the Talent Line of NWO. The main features are: 

  • Individual grant to start your own research line.
  • For talented researchers with an innovative research idea and a competitive CV,
  • who have finished their PhD (max. 3 years on 1 January 2022, extensions may apply).
  • Requires an ‘embedding guarantee’. 

The first session is on 12 May from 10:00-16:00 h [online] followed by multiple sessions, covering different aspects of the application in 2022 and 2023. All researchers with PhD dates after 1 January 2019 but before 1 January 2022 who aspire to a personal Veni grant (extensions may apply depending on personal circumstances) can join in. Registration is mandatory for this first session and you do this on the CTD webpage: "Course finder CTD: UT courses for employees | University of Twente ("

If you wish to pursue a Veni grant but are not able to attend the introduction session, please inform SBD-Grants Office ( to be included in communication on the Veni support programme.

Also, if you are interested in pursuing a Veni, but perhaps want to start writing next year, please feel free to join the introduction training, as it could provide you with a good overview of what you will need to build to become competitive in a such an individual grant.