UTFacultiesBMSResearchBMS Research SupportNews (research related)Maximum number of Springer open access articles 2023 reached

Maximum number of Springer open access articles 2023 reached

As reported in openaccess.nl:

On Thursday 9 November, the maximum number of articles that can be published open access at Springer in 2023 was reached. Until that date, a total of 2,067 scientific articles have been published by Dutch universities this year. What does that mean?

If your manuscript is accepted for publication between the time the maximum is reached and 1 January 2024, Springer will still offer open access publication, but the costs will no longer be covered by the consortium agreement during this period. [Click here to read the full article]

How can UT authors stay up to date about publishing caps and other requirements?

When deciding where to submit your scientific manuscript, always use the UT Journal Browser to check for open-access publishing options. Any relevant (estimated) deadlines or requirements will always be posted there. When in doubt, contact the Team Open Access.