UTFacultiesBMSResearchBMS Research SupportNews (research related)Nominations are open! Overijssel PhD award and Prof. De Winter award

Nominations are open! Overijssel PhD award and Prof. De Winter award

The nomination has opened for two important awards: the Overijssel PhD award and the prof. De Winter award (female U(H)D’s), which will be officially presented during the Dies Natalis (24-04-2024). The deadline to submit nominations is the 25th of January, 2024. Let's use this chance to spotlight our colleagues!

Overijssel PhD Award

The Overijssel PhD award is a sign of recognition for an excellent dissertation. Per Faculty we are allowed to nominate 1 excellent PhD thesis that was defended in the year 2023, therefore we have an internal deadline of 11 January, as we have to submit the nomination on 25 January. The PhD thesis is of outstanding academic quality and/or has high relevance for society (or shows potential for this), and it can be considered the start of a promising academic career. For further guidance on the assessment criteria, see the attachment. Additional to the criteria the jury also like to receive the most recent contact information such as (mobile) phone number and email of the nominated PhD student.

If promotors/co-promotors of your department would have a candidate, please send a complete submission following the criteria (attached) by email to our research support team, research-support-bms@utwente.nl before Jan 4th. If selected, the faculty will do the final submission.

Professor de Winter Award

The Professor de Winter award is for the best internationally refereed conference contribution or article in an internationally refereed academic journal, written by a woman assistant or associate professor. For the award, women assistant or associate professors can nominate their international articles or conference contributions.

Although female U(H)Ds can nominate international articles or conference contributions themselves, the professor of the group in which the academic is active must draw up a supporting statement for the nomination that is related to the assessment criteria. So, please stimulate your colleagues to submit their excellent research output!

Different from the Overijsselse PhD award, nominations (plus supporting statement) for the prof. de Winter award can be sent directly (before 25 Jan) to Astrid de Graaf a.degraaf@utwente.nl

For both awards, we particularly encourage submissions that show a clear link with our BMS research focus. Please note the jury consists of a small advisory group of representatives of the different UT faculties and is chaired by the rector. 


There are always many more prizes and awards to be given. Therefore, we briefly want to highlight the Dutch KHMW Proefschriftprijs Interdisciplinariteit (read more) for a great interdisciplinary dissertation, and the C.L. de Carvalho-Heineken Prize for Cognitive Science (read more). If there are any other prizes or awards that are relevant for a majority of BMS, please notify the BMS Research Support Office.