UTFacultiesBMSResearchBMS Research SupportNews (research related)New Chair for the BMS Research Theme Learning looking for Members for a Daily Board

New Chair for the BMS Research Theme Learning looking for Members for a Daily Board

Dear colleagues,

On 1 July, Andrea Kottmann started as the new Chair for the Learning Theme in the BMS Faculty.

She is currently taking the first steps to revitalise the learning theme, including some analysis to find out where the learning theme is already present in BMS research, and to learn about the diversity of topics addressed by this research. She has also started to look for promising funding opportunities related to learning.

At a workshop early next year, these results will be used to stimulate collaboration on the learning theme and to develop exciting new projects together.

Looking for new members for the Daily Board!

In order to connect these activities to the diverse community of researchers in the BMS faculty and to integrate the Learning Theme across the faculty, it would be great if a Daily Board could support Andrea in her role. Therefore, colleagues interested in being part of a daily board should contact Andrea at a.kottmann@utwente.nl.