Change Climate Change Dialogue Symposium 2024 - registration

25 October 2024 - Change the Climate – Change the Dialogue symposium @University of Twente

The acceptance and adoption of new geo-technological advances towards cleaner energy production and the mitigation of increased risk from climate extremes, relies on effective engagement, communication and relationship building between diverse stakeholders. Mass media communication also plays a strong role in shaping public perception and opinion, steering policy decision making.

This one-day, hybrid international symposium at the University of Twente aims to build new cross-sector and cross-discipline relationships, bringing together media professionals, scientists, communication specialists, engineers, social scientists, students, policy makers, artists, industry, community groups and citizen scientists.

Through knowledge sharing and ideas on effective communication and engagement strategies and practices we will explore holistic geo-techno-social approaches for climate solutions.

You are invited! The symposium is free to attend and open for all.

Registration is open until 18 October. In person capacity is limited and so please register early.

For any questions, email Assoc. Prof. Heather Handley, University of Twente (

Date: 25 Oct 2024
Venue: ITC Faculty, Langezijds room 2405, University of Twente
Time: 09:30 – 16:30 hours

The symposium program will be publish here shortly and will consist of plenary talks, mini workshops and panel discussions.

The link for online attendance will be provided by email after registration.

This symposium is made available by the UT Climate Centre


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