UTFacultiesBMSThe BMS LabInfohubHow to use BMS Lab facilities and equipment?

How to use BMS Lab facilities and equipment?

Flexperiment labs remain in Cubicus until 6 September and will be closed between September 9-16.

Upon reserving and receiving the confirmation email about your reservation, you can pick up the equipment every working day between 09:00 and 10:00. Keys can be picked up at any time during the  day. Be mindful that during the lunch break, the office is closed. Our working hours are between 09:00 and 17:00.


Pick up

You can first book the equipment for 9 days. If you need it for longer, please let us know during the pick up or send an email at bmslab@utwente.nl and we can extend your reservation based on availability. Multiple consecutive reservations for the same equipment will not be accepted.

In case you send an email, please include the order number.

When picking up the equipment, the person on whose name the equipment is should pick up the equipment themselves. In case that is not possible, please indicate that when reserving in booqable.


When using the equipment, please adhere to the manual and the best practices stated on the info hub article for the equipment you are using. In case there is something wrong with the equipment, inform us as soon as possible.


Before returning the equipment, make sure that it is ready for next use, by downloading and removing all of your data from it, cleaning it properly as stated in the equipment manual and the hygiene section in the info hub article for the specific equipment you are using, and placed in the packaging in the same way as you received it. If you need any help or supplies for the cleaning, please let us know.

In cases when the lab is closed, and you need to return the equipment, you can put the equipment in the lockers.

For late returns, you will be charged 20EUR and this may increase with the duration for which the equipment is late.


Pick up

You can only book the facilities for the time you need them and have participants. If the room is reserved, yet no one has picked up the key within the specified time of the reservation, your reservation will be cancelled.


When using the facilities, make sure that you follow the house rules with can be found in each of the rooms. Not adhering to the house rules will result in a warning. If the house rules are not followed after the warning, any additional reservations you may have for the room will be cancelled.


Before returning the keys, please make sure that the room is ready for next use and in the state in which you received it. If you need any help, please inform us. You can return the room keys in the key drop box next to our office door.