Bachelor Curriculum

The programme Civil Engineering covers three academic years. An academic year is divided into four quarters with a schedule of ten weeks. Holidays and teaching weeks are marked in the academic calendar of the UT. The study burden for a quarter is 15 European Credits (EC). 

The curriculum of the Civil Engineering bachelor’s programme consists of 180 EC. A year (60 EC) consists of four thematic modules (15 EC each). A module consists of different, interconnected study units. You will receive a grade for each study unit which can be made up of partial grades. Although the study units are registered separately, the study units within a module are coherent and should preferably be taken together. The webpage Rules and Procedures contains more information on the Students’ Charter, the Binding Recommendation (BSA), the entry requirements for the minor, and the entry requirements for module 11 and 12.

The first year of the programme offers an introduction into Civil Engineering and covers the three core themes: building, water and traffic. The second year of the programme consists of modules with integrated topics. The third year of the programme consists of the minor (elective space) and the graduation semester.

Course codes and descriptions per module and study unit 2024-2025
