Afgeronde Bachelor Eindopdrachten Bouwen 2024

Construction 2024




ASPARI / University of Twente

Life-Cycle Assessment of Life-Extending Pavement Maintenance Measures

A.. Jumaliev


Automatic Recognition of Underground Utilities in Point Clouds

J.A. Kruiper

SKA-pa B.V.

Decision-Making in Stormwater Management for Designing Industrial Areas

J.C. Bisschop

Strukton Wegen & Beton

Ontwikkeling van een afwegingsmodel voor toepassing van leidingbouwtechnieken

H. Kok

University of Twente

Investigations into Temperature Distribution on Bridge Vibration Parameters: The UT Campus Bridge

S.M.M. Abdelbary

University of Twente

An investigation into effects of temperature distribution on structural dynamics of bridges: A Comparative Study of Finite Element Methods and Field Data

B. Gazidede

University of Twente - Robotic Lab Soil Micro Mechanics Chair

Numerical simulations of the tip behavior of an earthworm robot probe for soil monitoring purposes

R. Idrizi

University Of Twente - Soil MicroMechanics Chair

Study of Freezing and Thawing Processes in Granular Soils

Y.K. Andreev


Analysing and predicting the costs of the Amsterdam Quay Wall renovation project; using parametric estimation

B.J. Molin