UTEducationStudent infoProgrammesCE/CEM/CMEFAQI have dyslexia. What should I do?

I have dyslexia. What should I do?

Approximately 5 percent of UT students suffer from dyslexia. So, you are not the only one. The UT offers a number of general facilities you can use during your studies.

Informing the department

If you wish to make use of particular facilities, you must inform the department in a timely manner. You can contact the study adviser. On the basis of your dyslexia statement and your interview with the study adviser, the facilities you qualify for are established. Examples of such facilities are: extra time during exams, exam papers in a larger font, use of tools such as a laptop, etc. Bring your dyslexia certificate to your first interview with the study adviser!

Additional facilities during exams

You need to do the following if you want to make use of additional facilities during exams:

 Please note:

Question: "Why do I need to request the facilities for each exam period?"

Answer: Some students do not require additional time for every exam. For the purpose of room reservations and exam preparations, the lecturer/BOZ Educational Support Office needs to know in time how many students will be using specific facilities. 

This type of measure only applies to recognized cases of dyslexia and in consultation with the study adviser. In individual cases, additional measures may be taken. Requests for such facilities can be submitted to the study adviser.