UTServicesCESCELTEducational GrantsAwards - Previous BIG Proposals

Awards - Previous BIG Proposals

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more information on the "BIG" AWARD 2023

In this section you can read more information about the previous winning project of the "Brinksma Innovation Grant".

Last year, Michelle Kip and Xavier Pouwels were awarded the grant for their project titled "Embracing chatbots in teaching: improving students' R programming skills by enhancing responsible use of large language models." This innovative endeavor used chatbots to enhance students' R programming skills responsibly.

BIG Award 2023

Click here to gain access to detailed information about this award-winning project, including its objectives, methodologies, outcomes, and impact on education.

Explore how this project paved the way for transformative approaches to teaching and learning, and discover the possibilities it unlocked for educators and students alike.