UTServicesCESCEStafette interview - Issue no 15 | 2023

CEStafette interview - Issue no 15 | 2023

In this edition, DEIRDRE BRANDWAGT interviews TIMO VAN LIMBEEK

I think you’ve been working at the UT for quite a long time. Can you tell us a bit more about your career at UT?
Yes, that’s right! I started at the UT in 2008. My first diploma was as a travel agency employee. I soon found out that this was not the best choice. I wanted to do something with management as well, but then I found a nice course in application development. As soon as I finished this programme I rolled into a job in system administration and application. I first did that at the UWV and I worked at Pink Roccade, Getronics and KPN.

At UT I started my position as a Functional Manager at Information Management (IM) and I still have this same position. We manage a lot of systems, including the (student) education systems such as Osiris, Canvas and Mobility Online. I started at the UT when Osiris was implemented. It's nice that I've been involved from the beginning.

What are important values to you in your work?
For me, it is important that I can contribute to the process. Having nice colleagues is also important for me. In my job, I need input from a lot of colleagues from different departments. As a result, I am building up a broad network and I get to know a lot of people. Working together with all those nice people gives me energy. I value freedom, a positive atmosphere, and an inspiring environment. And that is all here. Here we regularly receive a thank you when we have solved a problem or arranged something. That wasn't the case in my former job.

How do you keep your work fun?
That happens automatically. The content of my work is interesting. The daily management of the systems, communication with the users, and the variety of projects. You move along with developments in, for example, education. The introduction of the modules in our educational system brought us major new projects. For a recent example;  we are currently working on a project to enable lecturers to enter the content of their courses in Osiris themselves. This solution makes the educational process more efficient. Because of all these developments, it never gets boring. No two days are the same.

What is your favourite place on Campus? And in Enschede?
I love the Campus. The park-like environment really appeals to me. I also regularly take a walk on the Campus with our dog Nola. The area around the Vrijhof and the Boulevard is my favourite. The Vrijhof is not only my workplace, but because of the library and the nearby shops and sports centre, it is always pleasantly busy with students. In Enschede, I like to be at home and for some more excitement I like to visit the Oude Markt in the city centre.

What do you like to do in your spare time?
I love being outside. Walking with the dog through our beautiful environment. I am also one of the coaches of my son's football team and I like to go to the football matches of FC Twente.

What does a perfect weekend look like for you?
On Friday evenings I like to have a pleasant time with family or friends. In the city or at home with the family. I like both.  I enjoy getting a breath of fresh air on the beach with the family and Nola. It's a pity that the beach isn't around the corner. 

Is there anyone you'd like to swap a day (or a week) with?
That's a difficult question. I had to think about it for a moment. It may be nice to experience what it's like to be a professional footballer for a day. What it's like to play on the football field in a full stadium with thousands of supporters. Or to be on stage. How would that feel? Would it be exciting? Or frightening?

Is there anything you'd like to do someday?
I would love to go on a long trip with the family. For example, to South America or Asia. To be in a different culture and to let the children experience that too. So something different than a sunny holiday in Southern Europe. Wow Timo, this was a nice conversation! Next time we will meet in the pub, right?

Thanks for your time!