UTServicesCESCEStafette - Issue no 17 | 2023

CEStafette - Issue no 17 | 2023

In this edition of the CEStafette Daphne Spaan is interviewed by Timo van Limbeek

Like me, you have been working for the UT for a while. Can you tell us more about your career both before and at the UT?

I started my working life as a Management Assistant at SITA Waste Processing. Due to a take-over, this position within SITA was eliminated, so I started looking for another job. A vacancy that came up at the time was the position of secretary within GW (now BMS), for the IST department at the UT.

It was a very nice job, partly due to the use of the many systems that came with it. I already noticed that this was my interest and that I have a great affinity with it.

After 5 years of doing this work with great pleasure, I started looking for something new. Within the UT, a position for International Officer at S&O (now CES) became available. Primarily as an International Officer for foreign students who came to do an internship here at the UT or to take courses. It was soon transformed into the position of International Officer for Outgoing Exchange for Erasmus.

And you still do this work now?

In the beginning I had a lot of contact with students. All requests were reported and processed by email. With the implementation of Mobility Online, everything is included in a digital system and contact with the student has become a lot less. Now only for issues and problems.

And in addition, the work has completely changed over the years. Now I play much more of the role of key user for Mobility Online and OSIRIS and I am mainly concerned with the systems and processes.

I still fulfil that position, and with great pleasure.

Why do you enjoy going to work? / How do you keep your work fun?

There are many changes every year, especially from Erasmus+. Over the recent period we have been busy with, among others, EWP (Erasmus Without Papers), Top Ups (extra financing for Green Travel), and DLA (Digital Learning Agreement).
One change has not yet been processed or the next change is already coming. So, there is always something happening. It's never boring.

Also, the freedom you get when working for CES. Hybrid working means that working at the UT can easily be combined with working at home. Work and private life can also be easily combined in this way, the balance is good.

You still have quite a lot to do with students (Dutch and foreign). Have you ever thought about where you would like to study?

When I think back to my own study period at that time it was not yet common practice to go abroad for your studies. If I were studying now, I would definitely do this.

I would like to study in one of the Scandinavian countries, for example, Norway. I think the environment, nature and quietness in particular make it ideal for studying there.

Spain also seems like a nice destination, but because of the wonderful climate and the sun, I think I would get too much of the holiday feeling and that my studies would suffer.

How do you prefer to spend your free time? / What is your greatest passion?

What do you mean by free time?

In addition to a full-time job, I volunteer at the football club in my hometown, the club where my son plays football.

I am also active in the primary school parent council. And during this Christmas period it is extra busy organising the annual Christmas market. Very fun but also very intensive.

In between, of course, you also have to run a household at home.

If there is still time left, I like to relax on the couch and watch a series or a movie.

Do you have a bucket list? What's still on your bucket list?

Hahaha no. To me, a bucket list is something you do when you are older and/or seriously ill and expect to die within a certain period.

If you could do anything you wanted for a day, what would you do?

I think it would be very nice to first go north on the same day to see the Northern Lights and then go to New York, in the middle of Time Square, to experience the crowds. Just experience the difference between the silence and the hustle and bustle.

What is your favourite holiday destination?

I would indeed like to see the Northern Lights. That wish will certainly come true again.

In addition, I like the sun. For me, Spain is a wonderful country that contains many things that I enjoy during a holiday, lots of sun and good food.

But I can also certainly appreciate a holiday at home.

Christmas is of course just around the corner. What does a perfect Christmas weekend look like for you?

I'm really looking forward to the Christmas holidays. After all the action, I'm going to curl up on the couch in my pyjamas this Christmas. It's wonderful to do nothing and enjoy Netflix and lots of Christmas films and animated films.

Very happy holidays! And a happy 2024!