UTServicesCESCEStafette interview - Issue no 7 | 2023

CEStafette interview - Issue no 7 | 2023

Gyöngyi - Hi Niels, thank you for accepting my invitation for the interview.

Niels – Hi Gyöngyi , thank you for the opportunity!

Gyöngyi  – What do you like the most about working as a Marketing and communications officer at UT?

Niels - I was a student at the UT as well and I know how important this stage in your life is. I enjoy sort of giving back in a different way to the students because I can relate to them a lot. Studying is of course important, but it is also the socialising, really making friends for life, living in a house together, and going to parties that I really liked as a student. Everyone always says that it's the best time of your life, but it really is and I think our students are feeling the same way right now. At least that's what I hope, and the fact that you can contribute to that in your work is really special. I just really like that. In my case, it means sharing information in a proper and clear way, but also asking students ‘Hey, what do you think? Are you ok? Do you have any fun things planned?’ I really like that.

Gyöngyi  – I can relate to that as well. I think it has an added value that you can put yourself in their shoes as you have been there not long ago. 

Niels – Yes, exactly. Another thing I really enjoy is working with all the different departments within CES, because I am responsible for departmental communication. I enjoy knowing something about the different processes within the departments.

Gyöngyi  – Ah interesting! You studied communication, right?

Niels – Yes.

Gyöngyi  – I am curious, what made you choose this programme?

Niels -Two things, namely the linguistic aspect. Mainly the text and words and the other side, the psychological effect. How can you influence people or achieve certain goals with a text? In the end, it did emerge that text is one thing and of course, there are all kinds of other means like video, and infographics. I was always really a book nerd, I read a lot of books. I still really enjoy reading books, and that's where my drive to do communication science comes from. I sometimes read and I really get taken into a story and then I think, oh cool, I want to read on. I was very curious about how that works as a writer, how you can write in a way that the reader feels included? There was certainly attention to a lot of psychology and philosophy during the study to be able to understand that.

Gyöngyi  – I know exactly what you mean, I love books that you cannot put down. What else do you like to do in your free time?

Niels - I'm a very big music fan, so I've been to a lot of concerts, nationally and internationally. I've been to Oscar and The Wolf at Rock Werchter festival in Belgium. It had rained the weeks before and on the days themselves too and they played in a tent. And everyone was trying to find shelter from the rain in the tent. It was very crowded and the whole tent went wild at the music. That really made such an impression on me that since then I've been completely hooked on their music.

Gyöngyi  – Oh that sounds amazing! You mentioned Belgium, I was wondering, what is the best place you have travelled to?

Niels – Last summer, we went to Bratislava in Slovakia. We actually thought of going to Vienna first, which we did as well, but Bratislava was very close and then we thought let’s go there for two days. But that was so much fun. It's so cheap and so much culture as well. It has a kind of a village feeling, while it is actually the capital. I thought it was a really nice place.

 Gyöngyi  – I have never been to Bratislava, but that sounds great indeed! Do you have any vacation plans for this year?

Niels – If I start talking about that, I usually make people a bit jealous because I have three vacations planned for this year. I am first going to Norway for 2-3 weeks in June with a camper.

Gyöngyi  – Oh, I would like to do that once too, that sounds amazing!

Niels – Yeah, it is also a dream come true for me. Then, we are going to the Scottish Highlands in August for two weeks. And we are going to Curaçao with my in-laws in October for a week.

Gyöngyi  – I am indeed jealous, haha! Do you enjoy travelling?

Niels - Yes, but not those really standard sun holidays or all-inclusive. I really enjoy active holidays and nature, I think that's really cool.

Gyöngyi  – Yeah, I understand. A completely different question: what is your least favourite chore around the house?

Niels - I actually really like housework. I love vacuuming, washing dishes, and polishing. It calms me down. When I work from home, I like to take a break of 5 or 10 minutes in between and quickly vacuum, mop or polish, because that gives me peace of mind and then I can continue with work afterwards. So, I really don't mind.

Gyöngyi  – That’s funny, I also like to do it, but only when I feel like it, haha. It is great that it has an extra added value for you – not just a clean house, but also a clear mind.

Niels – Yes, exactly. The garden, on the other hand, is not my thing. It is still a bit wild so I will not show you that, haha.

Gyöngyi  – Maybe next time, haha. Thank you so much for your time, I really enjoyed talking to you!

Niels – Thank you for asking me and see you in the Vrijhof!