UTServicesCESCEStafette interview - Issue no 9 | 2023

CEStafette interview - Issue no 9 | 2023

In this edition,  Harm Zoet is interviewed by eline bos.

Interview with Harm Zoet from CES-SAS by Eline Bos

Eline: Hi Harm, thank you so much that you could make time for this interview on such short notice. Can you tell me something about yourself and what you do at CES?

Harm: Hi, not a problem at all; I am happy to help you out. I am Harm-Yun, 28 years old, originally born in Chengdu in China, but raised in Gouda. I have been working at Student Services for almost two and a half years right now and I really enjoy being the first to receive all the questions from students. I enjoy answering their questions and helping them with things. If the student Is happy, then I am happy as well! I used to be a ground steward at Schiphol Airport, so providing a service is something that I like to do.

Eline: You mentioned that you were born in China and raised in Gouda. How in the world did you end up in beautiful Enschede?

Harm: First, I was looking at the housing market in the Netherlands and here in Twente, it seemed to be a bit easier to find a place to live.  Then I stumbled upon a job vacancy at Student Services and the rest is history. I now live in Germany und das gefällt mir gut, but I enjoy the scenery and the friendly people in Twente. It is a little more quiet and peaceful compared with the Randstad.

Eline: Since you were born in China, do you also speak some Chinese?

Harm: Well, actually I studied Asian Languages at a University for Applied Sciences and graduated there, which was one of my biggest and proudest accomplishments having started at VMBO.

Eline: Wow! That is impressive and shows a lot of perseverance. Do you speak Chinese often?

Harm: Well, it is funny that you should ask, because this weekend I was at a restaurant and this Chinese woman approached me and we had a little conversation. It was a restaurant with good noodles, by the way, so I was enjoying it! Also, when I was in Japan a few months ago doing a language course, my Chinese came in handy because half of my fellow students were Chinese as well.

Eline: A trip to Japan, that is impressive! Do you like to travel?

Harm: Yes, I have seen quite a lot of countries, 46 so far. I am keeping track of them with my travel app. 

Eline: Is your goal to visit every country in the world eventually?

Harm: No, I just want to travel to the countries in which I am interested.

Eline: Okay, so the cheesiest question then is: which countries are on your bucket list ?

Harm: I would like to travel to India, Indonesia and Peru – specially to see Machu Picchu. I want to get to know the culture, see nature and taste the food!

Eline: Speaking of food, what is the weirdest food you have tried on your trips around the world?

Harm: Actually, that was in the Netherlands in Leiden, when I tried chocolate-covered crickets at the Museum of Anthropology.

Eline: What did you think?

Harm: They were okay: both salty and sweet. I also tried haggis in Scotland, which was quite a different flavour, but one that I would eat again.