UTServicesCESNew colleagues - Issue no 9 | 2023

New colleagues - Issue no 9 | 2023

CeS WElcomes new colleagues

  • Deirdre Brandwagt (SACC)

    Hello new colleagues! Since March I started as a student counsellor at SACC. Before this, I worked as a study advisor at the Technical Medicine programme for 12 years. I really enjoy working with students. The switch to this job feels like a natural follow-up and has turned out to be a very good choice. I learn many new things about, for example, laws and regulations in higher education, about DUO matters. And a world is opening up for me in the field of international students. I am married to Arjan and we have three daughters. The eldest one will start studying next year. In the weekends you can find me on the hockey field or in a sailing boat on the Sneekermeer.

  • Tanja Gerrits (CELT)

    Hey hi!

    Not new at the UT but at CES! From the hotel industry, via conference hotel Drienerburght

    (now U-parkhotel) I eventually started exploring various faculties: ET, S&T and BMS. And now settled down at a service: very different but certainly no less fun. A lot to learn and plenty to do, but with my new (very suitable) colleagues at CELT it should also work out here. 

    I love travelling (preferably far and often), odd jobs, animals, nature, and sports and I like to discover new things. Personal development is high on my agenda, I am a curious person. Enough info; I'm sure we'll run into each other at some point. Greetings Tanja Gerrits (office manager CELT)


  • Francesca Frittella (CELT)

    Dear new colleagues, my name is Francesca and I recently joined the team of Educational Advisers at CELT. I was born in Italy and lived in many places including Germany, China, and New Zealand, where I worked as a language interpreter and trainer. I first came to the University of Twente as a visiting PhD researcher at the BMS faculty. I then took up a position as an e-Learning Specialist for BMS, which I held for one year before joining CELT in June. I am looking forward to meeting you!