UTServicesCESLetter from Lieke - Issue no 11 | 2023

Letter from Lieke - Issue no 11 | 2023

Dear colleagues,

The campus is coming back to life! The marquees for the KickIn have been set up, the bicycle racks are back and slowly the buzz is building up. I hope you are looking forward to this as much as I am! Perhaps because you are back from your vacation, recharged and ready to start the new academic year, or perhaps it is because you have almost finished the work to get students their scholarships, ensure that they are registered and can find a place to live, because the schedule that required so many negotiations can go live, or because all programmes are in the systems and ready to be used. For you, a holiday should be on the horizon, and I hope you will have a great time.

For me, the summer is a fairly quiet time of the year as the regular meeting schedule stops, which gives me a lot of time in my agenda! I had a great time meeting many of you for a quick chat, which I really enjoy. It was also a time to catch up on a lot of reading, cleaning up of my mailbox, and organising my work for the coming months. The MT has continued to meet, in various compositions, and we are making good progress on the annual plan and budget for 2024. There are lots of great ideas, both within departments and for the whole of CES, but it will also be challenging to see how the political situation will develop, but also which direction UT-side projects like Life Long Learning will take.

Please enjoy the coming two weeks when Kick-In is happening, take a stroll along the Facility Market, laugh your head off at the 'Bestorming of the Bastille', or check out the sports committees and their activities. The energy among our students is such a wonderful thing to experience. Don’t forget that you can also attend the official opening of the Academic Year on 4 September, it is for all staff! On 7 September the Learning and Teaching Lab will open officially in the Citadel, so please join us there as well.

Best wishes
