UTServicesCESCEStafette interview - Issue no 12 | 2023

CEStafette interview - Issue no 12 | 2023

In this edition, Josephine van Oene-verbeek is interviewed by Jamie Hoeben.

Hi Josephine, welcome to this edition of CEStafette. Thanks so much for participating, most particularly you only just started working at UT. Let’s start off with your position at UT. You are a Management assistant at CES. Could you tell me a bit more about this position and about what a day in the office looks like for you?
My position is fairly new since I’m not replacing someone. This also means that my role will gradually take shape. The goal is to support several departments within CES. Currently, I am also helping to organise the sucCEScafé, which I enjoy doing. I like to be the organising force in the background, that is where I feel most comfortable.

Before you joined us at UT, where did you work?
I have worked at SDL for 15 years. This is an international company that provides translation services. I was supporting, again, in the background, with several projects and tasks. I was in project management, and was responsible for matching colleagues to the requests that came in. This was a highly commercial company, with firm deadlines. Eventually, I felt that it was time for a new chapter in my (working) life. Time to broaden my horizon. While looking for a new job, (higher) education kept coming up, so that is how I came across this vacancy.

Maybe a bit too soon to tell, but do you already have any goals or ambitions?
That is a bit early, indeed. Firstly, I would like to get familiar with UT and CES in particular. Just to get an idea of what this department is all about. Secondly, this means finding out how I can contribute best to my team and to CES. My goal is to unburden colleagues. I think that’s quite a big job to begin with.

Now, I would like to get to know you on a more personal level. Would you mind telling me about your family?
I am married. We have two children together, a daughter called Amelie and a son called Leon.

After a busy day at work, how do you relax?
*Laughing* When I have the time to do that, that is not always easy with (young) children around. I love to read books. I used to go on holiday with a stack of books, but later on, my e-reader became my best friend. I still enjoy that to this day. We also love to play games with our children. They are at an age now where they can concentrate much better, however, the youngest throws in the towel after an hour or so. As a family, we also love going for a picnic. A place called ‘’het Hulsbeek’’ in Oldenzaal is our go-to place. We’ll bring a cooler, have a picnic, and enjoy being together and outside.

If you could pick one day of the past year, that you could relive, which day would that be?
That is a tough question, especially to answer on the spot. Actually, there were a lot of highlights in the past year. That does not have to be anything special, I can enjoy a day with my family just spending time together. A common theme for all of us is exploring new things. Enjoying unexpected moments. We did not have any particular holiday plans for this summer. We promised to mind the cats of our friends who live in Hilversum, so we went to their house for a week. Despite not being super excited, like you would be with a holiday abroad, we had a wonderful time. We went for a boat ride, we went for a picnic or two and had a meal on the beach. All unexpected activities, but maybe even more fun because of that.

Thanks so much for participating, Josephine. It was a pleasure getting to know you. We will see each other around. Best of luck with your career at UT!