UTServicesCESScholarship Ceremony - Issue no 14 | 2023

Scholarship Ceremony - Issue no 14 | 2023


On Wednesday 4 October, the annual Scholarship Ceremony was held at the Grolsch Veste for 45 international Master’s and ATLAS Bachelor’s students who have received a scholarship funded by UT. The event is organised by SOIR, in collaboration with representatives from BMS, ET, EEMCS and S&T. During the ceremony, the scholarship recipients were invited on stage and presented with a scholarship certificate by the Deans or a representative of each faculty. After the presentation, students and staff members had the opportunity to mingle and enjoy the food & drinks.

The aim of funding students via scholarships is to help bring outstanding international talent to Twente. UT is proud to welcome these talented students and congratulates them on their achievements. UT also expresses the wish for a fruitful collaboration now and in the future!