UTServicesCESLetter from Lieke - Issue no 16 | 2023

Letter from Lieke - Issue no 16 | 2023

Dear colleagues, 

The time of year has arrived once more

That we loose ourselves in winter lore

In our landscape covered with snow

Although not enough, for snowballs to throw,

The festive season has started well

With St Nicholas and the stories he will tell.

Followed soon by Christmas cheer

Looking forward to that without fear

The CES employees are counting down the days

And celebrate the season is so many ways

While still helping students and those who teach

Ensuring that their goals, they can reach.

So much dedication at the core of the UT

very proud does that make me!

Soon we will together celebrate

The end of this year, so don’t be late!

For now I wish you a great ‘presents night’

Make sure you celebrate without fight

And I will see you at the 14th of December

Let’s make that a night to remember!

