UTServicesCESVrijhof Infra works - construction student residences Boulevard - Issue no 18 | 2024

Vrijhof Infra works - construction student residences Boulevard - Issue no 18 | 2024

Hereby I would like to inform you about the planned infrastructure works for the construction of the student houses on the Boulevard. The official notice on the Portal will follow.

Next week, weather permitting, we will start infrastructure work (replacing and rerouting cables and pipes) around the Boulevard student accommodation. The works are divided into 5 phases and will run from wk3 to wk20 with some interruptions. Work will take place partly on the building site and partly around it. Nuisance will be reduced as much as possible. For now, I would like to highlight two points: wk3 to wk8 and wk10 to wk14.

Workaround Boulevard/Sports Centre (weeks 3 to week 8)
First up (wk3) is the replacement of cabling around the sports centre. The work also involves passing through the Tartaros cage. The contractor will ensure as little inconvenience as possible during the work. Equipment will be accessible and usable as usual. Work in this area will take about 2.5 weeks.

Work on Boulevard/Bastille/Vrijhof (weeks 10 to 15)
After that (wk10), work will start between the Vrijhof/Bastille and the construction site and student residences. If this requires temporary diversions, we will communicate these in advance.

How will you be affected? We expect little inconvenience. Particularly during the work mentioned above, there may sometimes be some noise nuisance due to excavation work, but the nuisance will mainly be in the form of closures/diversions and slightly increased construction traffic.

If there are any questions, please let me know.

Kind regards,
Anouk van der Wal

Anouk van der Wal | Facility Services Project Manager
University of Twente | Campus & Facility Management | Facility Services
+31 (0)6 3413 7262| a.r.vanderwal@utwente.nl | www.utwente.nl/cfm  
Building Linde | P.O. box 217 | 7500 AE Enschede