UTServicesCESErasmus+ at the UT - Issue no 4 | 2024

Erasmus+ at the UT - Issue no 4 | 2024

UT has received great feedback from the Erasmus+ national audit committee on our last three student and staff mobility projects.

According to the committee, UT is doing ‘well’ to ‘very well’ in the support of (credit) mobility and exchange for the last three projects completed. We can be very proud of that! Congratulations to everyone in the support chain for incoming and outgoing exchange participants!

Every year, UT applies for funds from the European Commission in Brussels for many educational projects. The opportunity is called the Erasmus+ programme and it supports both large scale projects leading to educational cooperation between institutions, and (credit) mobility to and from our global partner institutions.

We are accountable for the expenditure of these public funds. This is assessed by a national audit committee. A positive assessment is likely to be considered in subsequent Erasmus+ project applications by UT.

Want to know more about the Erasmus+ programme at UT? Visit our webpages.