UTServicesCESUpdate Vrijhof - Issue no 7 | 2024

Update Vrijhof - Issue no 7 | 2024

The redesign of the Vrijhof is progressing.

Now that we have decided who will work where, the CFM colleagues have made an inventory of the work that needs to be done (moving, removing or adding walls with all associated work for ventilation and electrical circuits, blocking doors). CFM will now put out the order to have this done, we don’t know yet when, this depends on the availability of builders, electricians etc.

Willemijn Eendebak has made an inventory of the wishes for furniture. This needs to be ordered from preferred suppliers. She will meet with them in the upcoming weeks, after which we can make a decision on what to order from which party. This should be delivered before the start of the new academic year.

The decision has been made to move the prayer and quiet rooms to the tower of the Citadel where a new contemplation room will be established. CFM has planned a meeting with the users and after that will also start work with the builders to make the necessary adjustments. Unfortunately, we don’t have a timeline yet for when we can expect this to be finished.