Teacher Proficiency Group Assessment

This assessment type involves a group of two participants (registered from different parts of the University) and a language assessor.
Duration: max 1 hour
Location: You will receive an invitation via email to present via a Canvas Conference
Preparation: Candidates prepare an individual ten-minute presentation about some aspect of the topic/subject the candidate teaches at UT. 
In order to assess your fluency, grammar and vocabulary, please do not read from a prepared script during the presentation.

The group assessment consists of two parts:
Part 1: Each candidate holds their presentation about their own topic 
Part 2: The presentation is followed up by a more focused discussion based on spontaneous questions about the topic from other group candidates and assessor. 

Candidates engage with each other and are expected to ask questions and present ideas. If deemed necessary, the assessor will add some topic prompts to advance the complexity of the conversation.

You can register for an online group assessment. Check the available time slots. It is wise to register early. If you cannot find an available time slot for a group assessment, please contact the UT Language Centre.

NOTE: If one participant cancels the appointment or does not show up at the online group assessment, the UT Language Centre is unfortunately required to cancel the group assessment.

  • Assessment of video-recorded lecture

    Video: (click for further details)  If you cannot find a suitable date for a ‘Class visit - assessment of live lecture’, then you might consider the option of sending a video recording of a lecture to assessment-utlc@utwente.nl

Sign up for:
Teacher Proficiency Group Assessment
August 2024
September 2024
October 2024
November 2024
December 2024
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