Pitch Perfect


In this three-hour workshop you: learn the principles of effective science communication and how to avoid jargon, and create a good elevator pitch. This helps with communicating research to a general audience in spoken form. 


Explaining your work (bachelor, master or PhD thesis, or project work) to non-experts is an essential skill for engaging an audience with your research. Frank Nuijens has more than 25 years of experience as a professional in science communication and more than 15 years as a trainer of science communication skills. In this workshop, Frank will help you learn how to: 

Preparation: During this workshop you will work on your own pitch. So think about a topic that you want to practise with. It can be your bachelor or master project, or it can be a hobby. As long as you have enough background knowledge about the topic and are passionate about it!


This workshop consists of one evening session of three hours. You will be expected to have watched the videos on Canvas that will be available a week prior to the evening session, which will explain the theory. The evening session will focus on doing exercises and giving and receiving feedback from your peers and the trainer. 

Course overview

  • Programme is for

    All students with an interest in learning how to verbally communicate complex (scientific) information to a non-technical audience.

  • Date

    Check the available course dates on the page below  

  • Time

    Check the available time slots on the page below  

  • Location

    Location will be communicated in advance

  • Course fee

    This workshop is free of charge for all students of the University of Twente

  • Maximum participants

    Maximum 15 participants

  • Trainers

    Frank Nuijens, frank@franknu.com

Further Information
UT Language Centre
Support Office
053-489 2040
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Pitch Perfect
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