UTServicesCESUTLCCourse finderEnglish Pronunciation Training - individual sessions

English Pronunciation Training - individual sessions


Are you a speaker of English who is often asked to repeat what they say or who generally feels they are not understood as well as they would like to? You may speak too fast and/or too softly because you lack confidence. The less confident you are, the less clearly you tend to speak…

During the online English Pronunciation Training course (PT) you will improve your speaking skills by applying basic pronunciation techniques using various hands-on tools. This 1:1 PT coaching trajectory comprising 6 online lessons of 1 hour each will enable you to express yourself better, speak more fluently and more efficiently when


To get the most out of your PT coaching you will 

Your pronunciation coach will assess your questionnaire and recordings carefully and personally feed you back on them. Upon completing your PT coaching she will advise you on how to continue.


You will follow the PELI approach and will be

You can register for the first coaching session by selecting the timeslots that suit you (see Course Details & Planning).

Doing engaging, tailor-made self-study activities (approx. 2 hours per week) will bring you closer to achieving your own individual pronunciation goals.


  • Course code


  • Programme is for

    PhD candidates and UT staff who wish to improve their English fluency and pronunciation (see course requirements) 

  • ECTS

    The course study load is roughly equivalent to 1 ECTS

  • Date

    Check the available course dates on the page below  

  • Time

    Check the available time slots on the page below  

  • Location

    Microsoft Teams

  • Course fee

    UT-employees: €690
    Faculty departments pay an annual fee, so you do not pay yourself. You need permission from your head of department, and a project number
    Service departments will be charged with the course price, so you do not pay yourself. You need permission from your head of department, and a project number. 
    Partners of UT-employees: €690
    Non-UT participants: €897

    NB Partners of UT-employees and non-UT participants can use internet payment to pay the course fee

  • Trainers

    Marieke van der Meer, The English Pronunciation Coach

  • Course materials

    English for Academic Study – Pronunciation Study Book, J. Smith & A. Margolis, 2012, Garnet Education, including mp3 audio files

  • Requirements

    Participants from any language background.

Further information
Marieke van der Meer
The English Pronunciation Coach
+31626935161 * WeChat ID: pronunciationcoach
UT Language Centre
Support Office
053 - 4892040


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English Pronunciation Training - individual sessions
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