On this page, you will find Frequently Asked Questions regarding the UT Language Policy.

Please note that as per 2024, the UT Language Policy is under revision and the answers listed below may change!

  • What if I cannot meet the minimal language proficiency level requirements?

    Make a development plan with your manager and find out what possibilities you have. Not meeting the minimal language proficiency requirement is no reason for discharge.

  • Can I make use of UT's free editing service for texts?

    UT's free editing service has been a great success since its start in 2019, and it has been extended for 2021. It is available for all employees, both in Faculties and service departments. We will edit any non-academic document for you; not only in English, but also in Dutch or German. What is more: your text will be returned to you with track changes, so that you can see any changes that have been made and learn from the feedback that you get. Please contact UTLC for more information about our free editing service at translations@utwente.nl

  • I am not sure if my academic English is sufficient

    If this is the case, you can use the scientific editing service. You will get your text back edited with track changes, so you can learn from the feedback that you receive. Until further notice, this service is covered by a central budget. Please contact your secretary/contact person for information on how to use this service.

  • I am too busy to write a document in English

    Writing documents in English takes time, especially in the beginning. There are many tools available to help you write in English; please read the information on the Tools and support page.

  • Are all events held in English?

    Yes, all corporate events of UT itself, such as the Opening of the Academic Year and the Dies natalis, will be held in English. However, cultural activities such as concerts, performances and lectures will continue to be held in Dutch and/or English. The UT Language Policy states that 'we will not attach any standards to this area in the near future' (i.e. culture). The Executive Board does encourage all parties that contribute to the university culture to bring their activities in line with the UT Language Policy.

  • If English is the primary language of communication, do I have to speak English all the time?

    No. Although every UT employee and student is expected to be able to communicate in English, you do not have to give up your native language. According to the UT Language Policy, it depends on the context and the people involved in a particular situation: 'The principle of inclusiveness applies here. The choice of language is left to the discretion of the people present. If you communicate with non-Dutch colleagues present, the communication should be in English.'

  • The language policy states that all formal documents should be written in English. Which documents does this include?

    Please find the overview below:






    UT general educational policies and regulations

    Enrolment regulations, students’ charter and code of conduct


    Based on Code of Conduct Language article 3.4


    Programme-specific documents

    Education and Examination Regulations (EER)

    English--> programmes taught in English

    Dutch --> programmes taught in Dutch

    Based on Code of Conduct article 1.2b


    Documents for and Decisions made by formal bodies (CvB, CvB-D, SB, Faculty Boards, UC-OW, UC-B, UC-OZ, and UC-I)

    Policy-documents, regulations, annual plans

    English: unless Dutch is mandatory for legal reasons or in contacts with external (Dutch) stakeholders.

    Dutch: Documents regarding the legal status of employees --> Staff handbook with Leave regulations, Commuting travel & accommodations and optional model for employment conditions.

    Based on Dutch law (WNRA) and regulations. An English translation will be available.


    Information about decisions (made by these formal bodies), policies and regulations of the UT.

    Website, feedback from Executive Board (‘post-CvB”).


    In case of communication on Dutch documents mentioned at 3, a reference to the Dutch documents shall be included.


    Safety instructions

    Evacuation plan

    Dutch and English

    Based on Dutch law (Working conditions Act / Arbowet).


    Decisions/letters (HR) to individual employees:

    Appointment letter, settlement agreement

    Dutch; for Dutch staff-members

    English: for staff-members with other nationalities.

    Based on Dutch law.


    Documents in legal proceedings

    Legal documents

    Dutch. Easy-to-read attachments could be in English, unless the judge, court or other agencies require a translation.

    Based on Dutch law and regulations.

  • Heb je moeite met het lezen van de inhoud van deze website?

    Neem  in dat geval gerust contact op met het UT Language Centre via 053-4892040 of utlc@utwente.nl.

  • Als Engels de officiële voertaal op de UT is, moet ik dan de hele tijd Engels spreken?

    Nee. Hoewel van iedere UT’er verwacht wordt dat deze in het Engels kan communiceren, hoef je je moedertaal niet op te geven. Volgens het nieuwe taalbeleid is de taalkeuze afhankelijk van de context en van de mensen die betrokken zijn bij een bepaalde situatie: ‘Het principe van inclusiviteit gaat hier op. De taalkeuze wordt overgelaten aan het oordeel van de aanwezige mensen: dit kan bijvoorbeeld Nederlands of Engels zijn. Als er gecommuniceerd wordt in de aanwezigheid van niet-Nederlandse sprekers, zou de communicatie in het Engels moeten plaatsvinden.’

  • Zijn alle evenementen Engelstalig?

    Ja, alle corporate evenementen van de UT zelf, zoals de Opening van het Academisch Jaar en de Dies Natalis, worden in het Engels gehouden. Alle culturele activiteiten, zoals concerten, optredens en lezingen, blijven in het Nederlands en/of Engels. In het beleid staat dat ‘we voor de komende tijd geen normen verbinden aan dit gebied’ (cultuur dus). Het College van Bestuur moedigt wel alle partijen die bijdragen aan de universiteitscultuur aan om hun activiteiten in lijn te brengen met het UT-taalbeleid.