Internship during your studies

Agencies to help you Find your INTERNSHIP or MASTER THESIS POSITION.


UniPartners is a non-profit academic consulting firm run by students. UniPartners matches motivated and talented students with companies so the student can apply his or her knowledge and expertise in an actual business environment. The student works on a project basis, which enables your company to benefit from top-notch academic expertise and insight at an attractive price.

Website: Twente | UniPartners


Integrand is a non-profit foundation with a branch in every university town in the Netherlands. The organisation’s mission is to promote business skills among university students. Integrand matches students with internships and master’s thesis positions, and also organises a variety of career events.

Website: Integrand stimulates and connects ambition


AIESEC is a global organisation that matches university students with companies. AIESEC specialises in facilitating internships and volunteer projects across a diverse range of fields around the world.

Website: AIESEC in The Netherlands - AIESEC in The Netherlands


IAESTE is an international internship agency specialising in matching companies to students with a technical education. The students and companies may be located anywhere in the world. IAESTE also arranges housing, permits and social activities to ensure that student interns are able to hit the ground running at their first day on the job.


Mobility Online (Internship registration and more)

All internships (in the Netherlands and abroad), graduation assignments (in the Netherlands and abroad) and Courses Abroad must be registered in Mobility Online. Please note, that after clicking on the link, you need to scroll down a bit in order to find the information on Mobility Online.

Internship coordinators

You can find our internship coordinators here.

Exchange, internship and studying abroad

The easiest way to study abroad is by participating in an exchange programme. This means you will go to a university that has a cooperation agreement with UT. The two largest advantages are not paying tuition fees at a foreign university and taking courses abroad that count towards your degree at UT. All contact persons in this field are listed here.