HomeCoursesWorkshop CV Check

Workshop CV Check

When applying for your dream job, your CV is the first change you get to make a good impression on your potential employer. Recruiters generally only take 7 to 20 seconds to form an opinion on applicants using their CVs. So how do you create an outstanding CV? We will give you general tips and tricks and take the time to look at each CV specifically to lift your CV to the next level.

Are you an alumnus and would you like to participate? Contact us via careerservices@utwente.nl

  • Time

    12:45 - 13:45 hrs

  • Location


  • Programme is for

    UT students and alumni

  • Costs

    There are no course fees attached to this workshop

  • max number of participants


  • Trainers

    Integrand Twente

  • Requirements

    Participants are required to have their CV at hand.

Sign up for:
Workshop CV Check
November 2024
February 2025
May 2025
Student of the University of Twente?

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