Data Science and Technology EIT Entry

Academic year 2024-2025

Programme mentors: dr. Nicola Strisciuglio and dr. Le Viet Duc

Student & Exam programme

In case you started before this academic year, please fill out the programme form from the academic year you started in ( instead of this one, especially when indicating changes. If you started longer than 3 years ago, please contact your programme mentor first.

If you want to change a previously submitted form, please briefly explain your changes in the field below, before proceeding by filling out the course form.

CS General (mandatory)

DST core (mandatory*)


I&E Courses EIT (mandatory*)


DST Advanced (at least 4)

You cannot pick both NLP and Foundations of IR as advanced course. You can take both, but one will need to be part of the electives in your profiling space.

You cannot pick both NLP and Foundations of IR as advanced course. You can take both, but one will need to be part of the electives in your profiling space.


*Note: students are allowed to propose similar courses at the exit university to cover core or advanced courses. This has to be approved by the Programme mentor. If this applies to you, please give a short explaination below and name the UT course and overlapping course at the exit university (preferably including a link to the course description). 

DST Profiling space

Profiling space: Data science students can specialize further in one or more of the following data science profiles or follow Innovation & Entrepreneurship electives.

  • a) specialist in specific kinds of data, such as natural language text, image data, geographic data, sensor data, networked data, 
  • b) designer of smart services, 
  • c) designer of data science algorithms, 
  • d) multi-disciplinary researcher.

Total credits


Fill in the total number of EC in your entry year (including 4EC summerschool between your entry and exit year). This will typically amount to 64 EC. Make sure to read the section on course programma approval on this website, before entering a programme of more than 64 credits.

If there is anything you else you need to explain or information you want to provide with regard to your programme approval form, please use this field.